
Rosacea Treatment

There is no known cure for rosacea. However rosacea can be treated and the symptoms controlled.

People with rosacea usually see a dermatologist (a doctor who specializes in skin diseases). The goals of treatment are to:

  • control the condition
  • improve the condition of the patients skin

Rosacea treatment may last weeks or months before improvements in the affected facial area are shown. In more severe cases, surgery may be necessary.

The psychological issues surrounding this skin disorder must also be considered. People with rosacea may have counseling so they can learn about the 'triggers' which cause the symptoms.

They may keep a diary to record activities and events which trigger 'flare-ups'. Also, people with rosacea may become distressed & embarrassed by the symptoms of this disease. Counseling can help them come to terms with their symptoms.


Antibiotics are used to treat rosacea due to their anti-inflammatory properties - not for their anti-bacterial properties.

Topical Medication Treatments For Rosacea

A doctor may prescribe a topical antibiotic such as Metronidazole which is applied directly to the skin. Long-term side effects of topical antibiotics tend to be minimal compared to long-term oral antibiotic therapy.

Oral Medication Treatments For Rosacea

Oral antibiotics to treat rosacea include:

  • tetracycline
  • minocycline
  • erythromycin
  • doxycycline

Long term use of oral antibiotics can cause side effects which may include:

  • stomach upset
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • photosensitivity
  • yeast infection

Surgical Therapy

In some cases, surgical therapy may be needed to treat the symptoms of rosacea. Rhinophyma & telangiectasia do not respond well to medical therapy.

Laser therapy can be used to eradicate telangiectasia and reduce the swollen bumpy nose symptoms associated with rhinophyma.

Advantages of laser treatments for rosacea:

  • can be performed on an outpatient basis
  • may not require anesthesia
  • cause no significant bruising or irritation of the skin

Lasers used for rosacea treatment include:

  • pulsed KTP versapulse
  • pulsed dye V beam laser treatment for rosacea
  • laserscope KTP
  • plus: photoderm (IPL) light source - a new technology, IPL's (intense pulsed light sources) mimic lasers but generate multiple wavelengths of light to treat a broader spectrum of tissue.