Prostate Cancer In The Urinary Tract

In this photo, prostate cancer has spread away from the prostate gland and has invaded tissue in the urinary tract. The urinary tract includes the kidneys, ureters and bladder which make up part of the urinary system. The ureters are tubes through which urine passes down from the kidneys (the two organs in the top of the photo) down to the bladder (at the bottom of the photo).
Tumors formed in the urinary tract, can cause cause urine to be backed up leading to swelling in the kidneys (hydronephrosis) and the ureters (hydroureter). As the urinary tract is in close proximity to the prostate gland, when the cancer has metastasized* the urinary tract is often affected by prostate cancer.
*spread away from the primary area of the prostate gland.