Ezy-As™ Compression Stocking/Garment Applicator
Background For This Review
Following persistent back pain, an inability to walk unaided and a subsequent MRI scan, my friend was rushed into hospital for an emergency back operation during the summer of 2009.
Known as a microdiscectomy, the operation removed parts of a damaged disc which was pressing onto nerves of the spinal column.

Damaged Disc
Pressing On Nerves
Damage limitation was the aim of the operation, which the physicians hailed as a success; pain was reduced and my friend was not left confined to a wheelchair.
However, some pain and mobility issues have remained.
My friend had been asked to wear compression stockings to encourage blood flow through her legs and improve circulation.
We found compression stockings helped; however it was sometimes difficult putting them on.
Introducing The Ezy-As™ Compression Stocking Garment Applicator

Ezy-As™ Comes In 3 Sizes
When we became aware of a new device, the Ezy-As™ Compression Applicator, designed to make compression stockings easier to fit, we were keen to try this out for ourselves.
I asked the creators of Ezy-As™, an Australian based company, if they could send a sample for independent review.
We were sent 3 sizes of Ezy-As™; small, medium and large.
These sizes are color coded red, yellow and blue for easy identification.
- Small (RED): 28-35 cm's
- Medium (Yellow): 32-40 cm's
- Large (Blue): 38-47 cm's
These sizes represent the diameter of the limb (leg or arm) on which Ezy-As™ is used.
First Impressions
Made from thick plastic with smooth curved edges, the Ezy-As™ looks strong and durable.
The plastic has a nice shiny finish and there are no rough edges. The plastic is stiff; this is not a flimsy product and in the hands feels sturdy.
Whilst the Ezy-As™ feels reassuringly weighty, it is actually quite light. On our scales the small Ezy-As™ weighed 268g whilst both the medium & large Ezy-As™ were 315g.
The Ezy-As™ is also quite compact and portable. The Ezy-As™ should fit into most 'day bags'.
In Use

Loading the applicator
As the name suggests, we found Ezy-As™, easy to use. Instructions are included and are well presented with clear diagrams and photos. Video instructions are also available on the Ezy-As™ web site: www.ezyasabc.com.
The garment, typically a compression stocking, is first loaded onto the applicator. The smooth thick plastic, sturdy base and rounded edges are design features which contribute to ease of loading.
Ezy-As™ is designed to work with both open and closed compression stockings. For review we used open compression stockings.
We found that moderate force was required to spread the top band of the stocking over the rim and down the outside of the applicator.

Gloves help to load
the applicator
This was helped by placing body weight down over the applicator as the garment was loaded; with practice we felt loading the applicator would become easier.
We were also supplied with a pair of gloves which provided extra grip and enhanced our ability to load the applicator.
Such gloves may be of particular benefit to the elderly and people with limited strength or weakened joints of the arm and hands (e.g. those with arthritic joints).

Almost On
Once loaded, the garment can be fitted with or without the assistance of another person.
Ezy-As™ is becoming popular with nurses and carers who regularly fit compression stockings to others.
The included instruction booklet shows both assisted and unassisted methods.
The applicator is used to slip the garment on and we found solo fitting easy.
Ezy-As™ Handle Attachment Accessory
To aid solo fitting Ezy-As™ also supply a handle attachment (sold separately).
The Ezy-As™ handle attachment was provided for review.

Handle Attachment
Whilst Ezy-As™ is designed for use on both arms and legs, the handle attachment is used for leg garments only.
As with the applicator, we found the instructions easy to follow.
The handle attachment, clips onto the base of the applicator, and once loaded is used to help pull the garment up a leg.
The same handle attachment can be unclipped from the base of the applicator and used on each of the different sized applicators.
We found the handle attachment easy to use and appreciate how a person with limited range of movement, strength or flexibility could benefit from such an accessory.
At time of review, the retail price of Ezy-As™ in the US is around $40, £25 in the UK and 30 Euro in the rest of Europe.
Closing Comments
We found Ezy-As™ to be a well designed product which worked well for its intended purpose. The grip gloves and Ezy-As™ handle attachment will help those with limited strength and weak joints.
The high quality of this product is reflected in the packaging which displays an Australian International Design mark, a Standard Australia mark and a European CE mark.
Whilst Ezy-As™ is a relatively new product, its popularity is spreading fast: Ezy-As™ is now available for purchase in the US and the UK.
Ezy-As™ is now available on prescription through the NHS in the UK (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland).

For more information visit: www.ezyasabc.com
We wish to thank Ezy-As for providing us with samples for independent review.