The Breast Cancer Awareness Month Website
The NBCAM website was launched online during 1998. The website helps to promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month. At that time, the website was copyrighted to the Zeneca Health Care Foundation, a large multinational pharmaceutical company which specialized in producing cancer treatment products.
As Zeneca produced drug treatment products, they were in a strong position to help promote this awareness month which encourages women to have regular breast screening.
In 1999, Zeneca merged with a Swedish pharmaceutical company, Astra AB, to form AstraZeneca Plc. This company produces pharmaceutical (drug) treatments for many health conditions and diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
In the past the US National Breast Cancer Awareness Website, was much larger and featured detailed resources related to breast cancer. Today, the website is copyrighted to AstraZeneca Plc, and is a well presented, one page site which briefly details information about breast cancer awareness whilst providing a list of collaborating organizations actively involved in breast cancer awareness. This group of organizations are sometimes referred to as the board of sponsors for breast cancer awareness.
Many different organizations are now involved in this health awareness event, and the NBCAM website provides a point of focus and hub for this event.
NBCAM In Brief
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM), is held each October. This month is a time to raise awareness about breast cancer, encourage women to attend breast screenings and raise funds for supporting charities and organizations.
Over time, breast cancer awareness has evolved into an international, year long activity.
Many organizations throughout the world are now involved in this health awareness event. The NBCAM website has a list of some of the most prominent ones.