Australia's Biggest Morning Tea 2023
Thu 25th May 2023
Cancer can affect all of us, either directly or indirectly. 1 in 2 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer before they reach the age of 85.
Money is needed to help support those with cancer, to educate people about cancer and for research into this disease.
Australia's Biggest Morning Tea is the largest fundraising event organized by the Cancer Council of Australia. To raise money for cancer support and research, people at home, school, work and in the community organize tea parties where morning tea is served.
An event may be as simple as sharing a cup of tea with friends. Whilst the official date for Australia's Biggest Morning Tea usually falls on the last Thursday of May, people host tea parties throughout the month of May to raise funds.
This event has been running since 1994. Each year has been a resounding success raising millions of dollars for the Cancer Council of Australia. In May 2011, a record $11 million dollars was raised.
Celebrity ambassadors for the 2012 event include, Stephanie Alexander, Barry du Bois, Pete Evens & Manu Feildel.

Money Raised Goes Towards Funding:
- a Cancer Council Helpline
- educational visits to schools teaching children about sun protection
- training volunteers to give support to those affected by cancer
- providing information and support for those newly diagnosed
- educating health professionals
- research
There is a facility on the website to register and also to donate funds which have raised.
For more information please visit Australia's Biggest Morning Tea website which provides guidance and support for those who wish to hold a Biggest Morning Tea event.